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Empower your business with MIR’s exclusive data, industry insights, and product market expertise. We equip you with better information to achieve a competitive edge in China, Southeast Asia, Japan, North America, and beyond.
MIR Databank®
Now available in English, Japanese and Chinese, MIR Databank is the class-leading online data platform for China's industrial product market. Leveraging MIR's 15+ years of industry knowledge and data collection infrastructure, MIR Databank boasts a dedicated research team who updates and maintains the platform daily.
MIR Databank publishes quarterly Chinese market sales data for over 80 capital goods/industrial product categories under automation, industrial robots, machine tools, power distribution, semiconductors, and more. Our quarterly sales data can be pinpointed to each major manufacturer, every downstream industry, or the market total.
MIR Databank is the go-to source for leading manufacturers - both foreign and Chinese - who seek to monitor their product markets and competitive positions. Financial institution clients also rely on it for valuable insights into the performance of their research targets in China, as well as the overall trends in their interested industries. MIR Databank is a powerful benchmark that empowers our customers to make informed decisions.

Supply Chain Consulting
We help North American clients improve their bottom line and generate growth by connecting them to the most dynamic manufacturing regions in the world – China and Southeast Asia. We unlock additional value from supply chain by understanding clients’ segments, analyzing risks and benefits of outsourcing manufacturing operations, supplying and advising a pool of potential partners, and providing ongoing monitoring and suggestions. Our goal is to help clients improve their supply chain to become more transparent, resilient, cost-effective and sustainable.
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Market Research
Conducting market research in focused industrial sectors is in our DNA. MIR was founded to study automation industry in 2008, and we have expanded our infrastructure and built our niche in many more industrial sectors since. The types of research we perform today with dedicated industry teams include but not limited to: products and markets research, upstream, downstream and users research, targeted companies or channels research, cost analysis, brand analysis, and etc., all across our focused 20+ manufacturing industries. For each research commissioned to MIR, a team of industry-specialized experts is assembled and our effective methodology and network are leveraged to conduct the necessary field research and study. Then, our consultants analyze the information collected and communicate actively with our clients as we study and reach conclusions. Every year, over 400 cases of market research projects are completed by our people.
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