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Unrivaled manufacturing industry intelligence We provide the latest data and analysis for covered industries that top players in the market rely upon for decision making


Semiconductor industry in China has been growing exponentially in recent years and became of a notable scale for the world. More recently, we see geopolitical tensions pose new challenges to this segment while sparking an unprecedented drive for domestic innovation and capability build-up. Our Databank provide quarterly market data of fabs, OSATs and manufacturer data for wafer, photoresist, specialty gases, CMP and etc. Our periodic research reports on Chinese semiconductor market summarize the results of our monitoring and surveys, and provide insights into market trends, distribution channels, production, employed machines and etc.

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Industrial Robot

According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), China’s industrial robot market became globally significant in 2013. This market has continued to grow since, and its scale has been expanding year by year. Our Databank provide at least quarterly market data of Cobots (monthly data available), Six-axis robots (<20kg &>20kg), SCARA and Delta robots, and such data can be broken down into by industry-usage, by robot type and by OEMs. Our research reports on this segment include the latest information and trend analysis and our data analytics insights.

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Manufacturing automation market is reinvigorated for China, partly because of the adoption of IoT and AI, which further improve the production efficiency of factories. Our Databank hosts quarterly data of the entire Chinese automation market and breakdown of OEM and project automation markets. Each is then detailed into over a dozen sub-industries (eg. Machine tools, electronics, batteries, textiles & etc. for OEM, petrochemical, metal, auto and etc. for project). The industry reports on manufacturing automation summarize survey results such as economy and trend analysis, distribution channels, local factory production information, and newly introduced machine information.

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Machine Tools

In 2021, China pushed for stronger innovation and technological independence across industries, and the government issued many policy drivers for the machine tools industry in particular. Advanced machine tools arena starts to show a more dynamic competitive picture, with more and more domestic players ramping up capacity and catching up their R&D. MIR’s team has a long track record of research in this segment, and we keep studying it up close. Our Databank hosts up to monthly data of over a dozen sub-category of machine tools products. Our industry reports analyze and update market trends and the latest information of metal cutting machine tools and its players.

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